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Coping with Corona


We are living in challenging and uncertain times, but the good news is we are all in this together, and together we will prevail. Many individuals are experiencing increased levels of anxiety for good reason. We need to distinguish between legitimate fear and unnecessary panic and work to keep our legitimate fears under control and manageable.

I am here to help you in any way that I possibly can. I am currently staying home and “seeing” all my patients online, using tele-therapy including FaceTime, phone, VSee or Zoom. My schedule is very flexible and you can contact me by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and filling out the contact form.

I’ve developed an eight point Care Package for Corona and I am sharing it with all of my patients. Think of it as a mini survival kit. The eight points are: 1. Sleep well; 2. Eat well; 3. Exercise well, and outdoors if possible; 4. Curb your alcohol intake; 5. Meditate daily; 6. Be grateful you are safe and well; 7. Show compassion to others no matter the distance; 8. Laugh as much as possible!

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