Coping with Corona
We are living in challenging and uncertain times, but the good news is we are all in this together, and together we will prevail. Many individuals are experiencing increased levels of anxiety for good reason. We need to distinguish between legitimate fear and unnecessary panic and work to keep our legitimate fears under control and manageable.
For more info about my availability, click here

Get Treatment at Home
Of all the branches of medicine, mental health is among the best-suited for telehealth. Because talk therapy is an intimate conversation between us, it doesn’t require much more than a meeting time to enjoy the benefits of treatment. While some may prefer to undergo therapy in person, it is by no means required. And sometimes, it’s impractical.
For privacy, distance, contagion or other concerns that make coming to the office undesirable, teletherapy is an excellent option. Given my expertise in eating disorders, anxiety disorders, agoraphobia and relationship counseling, I am able to treat all of these issues with teletherapy. Click below to get started.